A tribute to Dr. Prerit Thomas Jacob Oil Painting
Credibility and realism are qualities that set apart an artist from others. An artist can exercise his imagination and integrity when he wields his brush as per his vision and understanding of the people and experiences around him. I would vouch for the artistic integrity of his creations and would recommend him for his work of art in paint. The proof of the pudding is in eating it. I have very intimate and first-hand experience of his creativity and artistic skills over many years. When we requested him to paint a portrait of the founder of Christian Medical College Ludhiana we were awe-struck by his creation. Today it remains as one of the precious portraits of the campus. In fact, he re-created it from an old black and white picture of the last century. A review of his painting appeared in the Tribune published from Chandigarh a few years ago. It is a very true and faithful commentary of his achievements. His gallery exhibits his natural gifts and contemporary understanding of events around us. He may not have reached so much recognition and adequate acknowledgment among our generation due to his socioeconomic background and status. But the internet and his fans at an international level are slowly, but surely, establishing his place as a very important artist and painter. I myself had the privilege of knowing him at a personal level for years in Punjab and the best is yet to come for Subash Cheeda. I had only one choice when I considered getting a portrait of my late son, Dr. Prerit Thomas Jacob, an alumnus of CMC Ludhiana made. It was Subhash Cheeda, the contemporary insightful, and tall artist in our own community. I wish Subhash many glorious years of creativity and imaginative portrayals.
Ninan Chacko, Former Chaplain,
CMC Ludhiana